Прекрасные иллюстрации к ПЛиП талантливейшей художницы Дженни Долфен, также известной как Gold-Seven. Многое из этого нарисовано задолго до выхода сериала, посему, сами понимаете, сходство с актерами искать бесполезно. Но это-то как раз и представляет интерес, на мой взгляд. Теперь уже трудно будет отделаться от образов, представленных нам на экране, а это - чистое воображение автора.
Одно из самых любимых:

'Lord Stark,' Jon said. It was strange to hear him call Father that, so formal. Bran looked at him with desperate hope. 'There are five pups,' he told Father. 'Three male, two female.'
'What of it, Jon?'
'You have five trueborn children,' Jon said. 'Three sons, two daughters. The direwolf is the sigil of your House. Your children were meant to have these pups, my lord.'
Bran saw his father's face change, saw the other men exchange glances. He loved Jon with all his heart at that moment. Even at seven, Bran understood what his brother had done. The count had come right only because Jon had omitted himself. He had included the girls, included even Rickon, the baby, but not the bastard who bore the surname Snow, the name that custom decreed be given to all those in the north unlucky enough to be born with no name of their own.'
from George R. R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
Вся галерея здесь: gold-seven.deviantart.com/gallery/137761
Одно из самых любимых:

'Lord Stark,' Jon said. It was strange to hear him call Father that, so formal. Bran looked at him with desperate hope. 'There are five pups,' he told Father. 'Three male, two female.'
'What of it, Jon?'
'You have five trueborn children,' Jon said. 'Three sons, two daughters. The direwolf is the sigil of your House. Your children were meant to have these pups, my lord.'
Bran saw his father's face change, saw the other men exchange glances. He loved Jon with all his heart at that moment. Even at seven, Bran understood what his brother had done. The count had come right only because Jon had omitted himself. He had included the girls, included even Rickon, the baby, but not the bastard who bore the surname Snow, the name that custom decreed be given to all those in the north unlucky enough to be born with no name of their own.'
from George R. R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
Вся галерея здесь: gold-seven.deviantart.com/gallery/137761
Да-да, аналогично!)) Хотя там есть для следующих книг иллюстрации, а я пока не читала.
Атмосфера чудесная! Очень нравится стиль Дженни. Она очень много рисовала во времена повального увлечения "Властелином колец", у нее в галереях обалденные работы.
На здоровье! А я вот не осилила читать по-русски. Очень уж язык не нравится. Надо взять себя в руки, найти английский, наверное. Просто мне показалось, что это как раз тот случай, когда книга - плоха как литературное произведение и офигенна как сценарий для сериала. Даже сам язык, манера описания, короткие, рубленые предложения и динамичность действия, - всё за то, чтобы сделать из этого отличную кино-продукцию. Но от чтения удовольствие мало удалось получить.